Sedikit berucap

Apa yang kita lakukan bila urutan kematian alamiah menempatkan kita di antrean berikutnya, ketika kita tak lagi bisa bersembunyi dibalik pikiran " Ini bukan giliranku"?

- Mitch Albom

Friday, August 17, 2012

Melankolia masa balita

Just close your eyes and then remember
The thoughts you've locked away
When tomorrow comes you'll wish
You had today

And as we sit here alone
Looking for a reason to go on
It's so clear that all we have now
Are our thoughts of yesterday

If you're still there when it's all over
I'm scared I'll have to say
That a part of you has gone
Since yesterday

And as we sit here alone
Looking for a reason to go on
It's so clear that all we have now
Are our thoughts of yesterday

Well, maybe this could be the ending
with nothing left of you
A hundred wishes couldn't say
I don't want to

And as we sit here alone
Looking for a reason to go on
It's so clear that all we have now
Are our thoughts of yesterday

It's so clear that all we have now
Are thoughts of yesterday

#Strawberry Switchblade - Since yesterday

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